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Melinda Salyer, Attendance

Attendance Office Email

Phone: 512-943-5040 EXT. 6421

 **When leaving a voice message or sending an email, please include your name, your student's first and last name, grade, and your phone number.

Important Information


When a student is absent from school for any reason, other than a school function, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify the attendance office (943-5040  Ext 6421) between the hours of 8:45 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on the day of the absence- stating the reason for the absence and the anticipated duration of absence.  Any requests for assignments should be made at this time.  Also, a statement in writing, signed by a parent or guardian must be presented to the attendance office within two days following the absence.  After a student has been absent three times from any class, an attendance letter indicating the dates of the student's absences will be mailed home to the parent.  This warning letter will state the 90% attendance requirement for class credit.

Class Absences

If a student misses more than (15) minutes of class time the student will be counted absent for that class period.  The nature of the excuse and the amount of time the student is late will determine whether the absence is changed to a tardy or an unexcused absence.  Extenuating circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Leaving Campus for Dental, Doctor, or Legal Appointments

When it is necessary for a student to leave campus for any reason, parents should sign out their student in at the front office, or the student will present a note to the attendance staff from their parent/guardian stating the time of the appointment.  The student will sign out in and out of the front office when leaving and upon return.  Students are asked to bring verification from the dentist, doctor, lawyer, or judge stating that the appointment was met.  This verification serves as a basis for excusing the absence and the student will be counted present for the entire day. Before signing out for an illness students must see the nurse or a principal who will contact a parent before the student is allowed to leave.