Helpful Information and Links
GISD Activity Fund Tabulation of Monies for Deposit
*ALL checks must include ID and Phone number *
If you have funds to deposit, please follow this link and submit the form to me.
GISD Fundraiser/Activity Approval Form
If you are hosting a fundraiser, please follow this link and submit the form to me 10 business days prior to the event.
Hosting an event outside school hours?
* Select 'Normal Schedule' Only *
Please follow this link to access FSDirect to submit any facility usage request. Internal and External organizations are welcome!
Maintenance Request
ALL maintenance request need to be submitted through this link.
Transportation Request
Please follow this link for all your transportation needs.
Please visit the GISD hompage for more information about our district's departments and services.
Don't hesitate to contact me for questions or concerns.
Phone: 512-943-5040 EXT. 6425