Tennis Team Information & Schedule
Angela Harris, Coach
All participants must have a current physical exam dated after May1st 2024 to participate in the program. All online paperwork can be completed on the Tippit Middle School website under Athletic Physicals.
RANKONE PAPERWORK COMPLETION: Please refer to the Titan Athletics Website for all required paperwork and catastrophic insurance payment.
Your Athlete will need the following items for class:
Athletics Uniform – This can be purchased from Centex on the athletics website. Boys need to purchase the boys tennis athletics uniform and Girls will purchase the girls tennis athletics uniform. Our shorts have pockets for tennis balls. These can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the Centex uniform page.
Boys Athletics uniform can be found at:
Girls Athletics uniform can be found at:
Class materials:
Athletic/Tennis Shoe
Tennis Racquet (Graphite recommended)
2 cans Tennis Balls: 7th/8th
1 or more roles of good quality over-grip/grip tape
1 or more packages of replacement grip
1 pack loop resistance bands.---------------------------------
Sweat Shirt or Hoodie and Pants for the winter season (RED, NAVY OR GRAY)
Class communication will be conducted through the SportsYou app. Please use the following access code to join the class: WSVA97AG
Fall competitive tennis. Tennis class students will have the opportunity to play competitively during the fall semester. Matches will be played between Benold, Forbes, and Wagner only during the fall season.
Spring Tennis team tryouts are in late February. Athletes must try out to be on the Spring tennis team. Being in tennis class will not guarantee a spot on the spring team.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Coach Harris or any of our athletic department coaches.
Tippit Middle School
TEnnis Calendar
fall tennis schedule
sPRING tennis schedule